The Lomographer's Weekend Checklist: The Spring Cleaning Photographer


Spring is finally here! Time to exit the hibernation mode and begin the new season fresh and clean; start by turning your photography stuff into organized analogue chaos.

Catalog physical photographs

Surely some of you still print your negatives. There's nothing more authentic and validating than the physical image. It''s more intimate, precious and personal. What you should do though, is to curate them. Whether you frame them put them in an album. You can save some time too by purchasing some of our photo albums at the Lomography Online Shop.

And please don't let your instant photos scattered around your room -- here's a simple tipster on creative corners for instant album pages.

Organize your camera collection

Oh, we know many among us are guilty of huge analogue camera collections. The best way to take care of them is to treat them like antique relics (vintage items are always going to be more subjected to wear and tear). If you have an extra space or cabinet, why not turn the cupboard into a camera display shelf? Or how about keep them in a safebox like porcelain or glassware? Don't just collect out fun, be a curator.

The art of archiving and labeling

What to do, oh what to do with those developed film strips... you probably have a bunch of them in your corner like a stack of hay. But we suggest to not throw them out. Instead, archive them. Put labels -- dates, film stock used, event and such. You'll never know when you'll want to revisit some of these frames.

Here's some tipsters on where to begin:

How to Archive Your Film Negative
Organize Your Photos and Film Negatives in a Simple Way
How to Organize Your Negatives

Camera cleaning and upkeep

You, analogue photographer, should prioritize this. The golden rule everyone must remember when keeping gadgets, is that dirt is often the first culprit of wear and tear. Don't just sit there and allow your lenses and viewfinders smudged, or screw corners filled with dust. Here's a basic guide in analogue gear keeping. If you don't want to read too much, here's a shortform of easy cleaning. We insist, you clean that camera now!

Have some other plans in mind? What's in store for you this weekend? Share it with us through a comment below!

2017-03-24 #tutorials #diy #tipsters #spring-cleaning #the-lomographer-s-weekend-checklist

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