
  • OFF Festival - Polish stronghold of musical art-house

    written by betterthanelvis on 2015-06-11
    OFF Festival - Polish stronghold of musical art-house

    What to do or where to go this summer if you want not only to admire lovely views, to hang around streets of old towns but also to listen great music? I have an advice for you: Poland, Katowice, festival organized by one of ex-leaders of polish band Myslovitz.

  • OFF Festival – польский оплот музыкального арт-хауса

    written by betterthanelvis on 2015-06-10
    OFF Festival – польский оплот музыкального арт-хауса

    Чем заняться этим летом, куда съездить, если хочется не только посмотреть на красивые пейзажи, побродить по улицам старинных городов, но и послушать замечательной музыки? У меня есть для вас совет: Польша, Катовице, фестиваль, организованный одним из экс-лидеров группы Myslovitz.

  • Pale memories from childhood

    written by betterthanelvis on 2013-02-08
    Pale memories from childhood

    Not so long time ago while I was clearing-up my old room in parent's apartment I found old albums with a lot of pictures from my childhood. I started to leaf through dusty pages and became stunned up by surging emotions. Before it I find it hard to remember my childhood because these memories are blocked by my subconscious because of some sad things happend there. But these photos helped me to remember only bright and happy moments of times when I was young.
